Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Book of the Month: Those Shoes

We are pleased to introduce Those Shoes as the first book of our Marlin Book of the Month series. Each month, a brand new book will be given to the classrooms. When the month is over, the book can be added to the classroom library. Books will be given to classrooms for the remainder of the 2012-2013 school year. We will also have a Book of the Month bulletin board indicating our focus book of the particular month.

Once the monthly book is given to the room, we can start to foster book talks around the school. The goal is to have a Marlin school-wide reading community. Through the books, all Marlin students will have a connection to one another. Similar reading strategies taught in the classrooms will allow for collaboration among all students (and teachers, too). Classroom book buddies will have relevant conversations when meeting together. Marlin visitors could look at the Book of the Month bulletin board, enter a classroom, and begin a conversation with a student about our book.  Videos and photos will document the classes sharing the books together (whether it be reading, writing, or creating).  The intention is to have the videos or photos displayed on our Marlin announcement television.

There are many reasons for choosing Those Shoes as our first book. One, with our anti-bullying focus, this book shows how one boy will do just about anything to conform and avoid being different from others. Two, the book expresses the joy of giving to someone in need. Most importantly, the powerful lesson is determining the difference between want and need, especially in a time of economic struggle. The book illustrations complement the story and help bring this meaningful message to life.

Lace up “those shoes” and let’s start building a Marlin reading community!
Thinking about Those Shoes with Mrs. Harding's class