Monday, December 3, 2018

Marley's Books of the Month (December)

For the month of December, our special area teachers have shared their favorite children's books.  Check out what books Ms. Bennett (music), Mrs. Blanchard (art), Mr. Lutes (P.E.), and Mr. Zielinski (art) enjoy reading!  And, do not forget to read over winter break!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Marley's Books of the Month (November)

This month, our first grade teachers are sharing their favorite children's books with us.  Thank you, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Lewis for your love of reading and spreading that love to the Marlin students!  #GoDragons

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Marley's Books of the Month (October)

Enjoy these books we love during the month of October!

Marley's Books of the Month (September)

These are the books we focused on during September.

Marley's Books of the Month (August)

This school year, 2018-2019, we are celebrating books each month.  All Marlin staff members, throughout the year, will share a favorite book.  These books will be highlighted for a whole month.  Students will be able to see, read, and enjoy the same books the Marlin adults enjoy.  We are calling these books Marley's Books of the Month.  Here are the books that have been celebrated so far this school year.