Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Book #5

The Year of the Panda by Miriam Schlein.

We must go to great lengths to save what we cherish most.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Book #4

Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran.

We all have special places.  I hope you can enjoy your place this summer!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Book #3

Mississippi Bridge by Mildred D. Taylor.

Tragedy bringing all people together.  We definitely have seen this happen recently.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Book #2

What Pete Ate from A-Z by Maira Kalman.

This is not your typical alphabet book.  Pete, the dog, eats all kind of things.  Some edible, but most not.  Amusing book about a well-loved dog.  The end is cute, too!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Book #1

Spoon by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

Everyone is special in their own way.  Love who you are!
(Thank you to the MCCSC Literacy Coaches for this book.  We had an end of the year book swap.  I left the swap with this book and am very happy with my new book!  Great idea, Kari Rickerby!)

Book-a-Day Challenge

This summer, I am joining the Book-a-Day Challenge.  I will do my best to read a book each day during summer.  I might read a picture book, chapter book, education book, or "fun" book.  Today, May 25, is my first day.  My reading will continue until August 6, the last day of summer.  That's 74 days and 74 books!  I will use some flexibility.  One day, three days might be read.  Some days, no books.  In the end, there will be a lot of reading.  That's the focus!  :)

If you are interested in following what I'm reading, check out this blog to see my latest read.  I will also post on Twitter (@eandersoniu).

Let the reading begin!

*If you also join the Book-a-Day Challenge, let me know.  I would LOVE to see (and read) what others are reading!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Book of the Month: Freedom Summer

Warmer days.  Birds chirping.  Grass growing.  Summer is nearly here.  With that in mind, our Book of the Month is Freedom Summer by Deborah Wiles.  This story is about two boys, Joe and John Henry, who are very similar.  However, there is one important difference:  Joe is white and John Henry is African American.  In 1964, being African American meant you were not able to do things other children could do.  For John Henry, this meant he could not do everything Joe did. 

The book takes readers through the summer of integration.  Laws were passed where everyone was allowed to go into stores, swim at the pool, or eat at restaurants.  Joe and John Henry were glad to see changes made, like the pool being opened to all.  However, not all people were following the new laws.   Despite the intense events occurring, how powerful it was to see two boys with a friendship stronger than any prejudice.   

Deborah Wiles uses such descriptive words , no illustrations are needed to picture her story.  Her words help you feel the summer heat.  Her words  show you the ache of injustice shown towards John Henry.  So much discussion could come from her writing of that summer in 1964. 

I am sure everyone is looking forward to summer, for many reasons.  It was awesome to see the united force at Marlin reading, sharing, and spending time focused on literacy.  Here’s to next school year and our reading community!


Bloomington Reads

Bloomington Reads! begins this week.  Throughout the week, reading activities are planned all over the city. Check out the activities listed below.  Attend one activity or attend them all!  Celebrate reading in our wonderful city with other literacy lovers from the community.

Reading with the Stars

This month, Marlin students are judging books.  A panel of three readers, who have all read the same book, are judging books on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best book you've EVER read).  Be sure to stop by and visit the READING WITH THE STARS! board when you are at Marlin.  See what students are reading and how they are evaluating those books.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

National D.E.A.R. Day at Marlin

Have you ever heard your child talk about D.E.A.R.?  Have you wondered what exactly is D.E.A.R.?

D.E.A.R. stands for "Drop Everything And Read" and is used in schools as a time for students to read on their own.

April 12 was National D.E.A.R. Day, a celebration of reading designed to remind people of all ages to make reading a priority in their lives.  At Marlin, we celebrated National D.E.A.R. Day by gathering together in the gym to read.  It was wonderful to see all students, teachers, and staff reading at the same time!

At the end of reading time, the 6th grade students and teachers danced the Marlin version of the Harlem Shake.  If you are interested in seeing the dance, there is video footage on the Marlin announcement television.