Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Book-A-Day 30

Fox is hungry, so he goes to the farm to steal a chicken.  He gets away, but when he arrives home, he discovers he actually caught a duck.  This is not a typical duck.  This duck sniffs at Fox.  This duck sits and wags its tail.  This duck barks.  Fox is confused and believes the duck is trying to trick him.  Fox chooses to sleep on the matter and decide in the morning if this is really a duck.  Will Fox figure out he actually caught a duck?  Will he determine this is a dog?  Read Outfoxed by Mike Twohy.  #BookADay30

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Book-A-Day 29

Books are very reliable.  Once you learn how to handle books, you know how to turn pages, read from left to right, and how to close them.  The book A Long Way Away by Frank Viva is a rule breaker.  Not only do you read the book by turning the pages up and down, the book also can be read in reverse!  So, you can read the book by starting on an adventure on a planet and ending in the deep ocean.  OR, you can begin in the ocean and finish on a far away planet.  You choose!  #BookADay29

Monday, June 27, 2016

Book-A-Day 28

Grandpa Green by Lane Smith tells the story of a boy's great-grandfather.  Grandfather is a horticulturist and has shaped trees to match his memories.  The boy knows the grandfather's stories, thanks to the topiary trees.  We learn about grandpa living on a farm, going to war, meeting his wife, and starting a family.  Although Grandpa may forget things occasionally, the garden helps him remember.  This is a sweet story reminding us how plants can trigger fond memories.  #BookADay28

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Book-A-Day 27

Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt is a fun and entertaining book.  Meet Scaredy Squirrel.  He is afraid to leave his nut tree.   He's afraid of a few things, like green Martians and killer bees.  He lives the same routine day after day.   Then one day, the expected happens and a bee shows up!  What will Scaredy Squirrel do?  This book is a favorite of the Marlin students!  Scaredy Squirrel even occasionally visits the Marlin library.  Visit the Scaredy Squirrel website at to find out more about Melanie Watt, play games, or join the fan club.  Be sure to read the other Scaredy Squirrel books, too!  #BookADay27

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Book-A-Day 26

Have you ever seen a cloud that you thought looked like something?  Seeing fluffy white clouds as different shapes is often a matter of opinion, but can be quite entertaining.  In the book Little Cloud by Eric Carle, Little Cloud is separated from the other clouds.  Little Cloud begins to take shape of many familiar things, like sheep, planes, and trees.  Little Cloud is finally reunited with the other clouds.  Together, they change into a big cloud.  Together, they create something new.  Take notice of the clouds.  What do you see?  #BookADay26

Friday, June 24, 2016

Book-A-Day 25

"What do you get when a bear walks through your vegetable garden?"  Bear dreams of making his friends laugh.  He wants to tell his jokes on stage.  The problem is Bear gets stage fright.  He practices telling his jokes in the mirror day after day.  When performance night arrives, Bear's fright sets in and he is unable to tell his jokes in front of a crowd.  He runs away to the watering hole.  There, he meets Emmy the hummingbird.  Emmy just so happens to be a comedian.  Together, they devise a plan to help Bear with his stage fright and make his friends laugh.  Enjoy the book Grin and Bear It by Leo Landry.  And, find the answer to the joke at the beginning of this post.  #BookADay25

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Book-A-Day 24

It is a regular day for Tom Elson.  He comes upon a man with a crate.  In the crate, Tom sees an odd-looking creature.  It appears to have a monkey face, weasel body, fox tail, lion paws, and owl beak.  Tom discovers the animal is called a farivox.  The farivox can talk, too!  Tom has to have the creature.  The man tells Tom it will cost him $10.00.  Tom frantically runs home to get the money.  As he begins running, he hears the farivox say, "Hurry!"  Upon his return with the money, Tom notices the man and the farivox are gone.  Will he ever seen it again?  Hurry!, illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully and adapted from Farewell to Farivox by Harry Hartwick, is a great tie in to discussions of rare and extinct animals.  A good read after a day at the zoo!  #BookADay24

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Book-A-Day 23

The Bus Ride by William Miller is a story inspired by Rosa Parks.  In the book, a young girl named Sara decides she wants to see what is so special about sitting at the front of the bus.  Since Sara is not allowed to sit in the front, she takes the steps to the forbidden open seat and sits down.  Sara takes a stand (or seat) for herself and refuses to leave.  Eventually, the police get involved and remove her from the bus.  However, Sara's stand encourages others.  Many rally against the buses and avoid riding.  Although a little girl, Sara's story is an example of it taking only one (even a child) to make a change.  #BookADay23

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Book-A-Day 22

Mistakes are a common occurrence.  Everyone messes up from time to time.  However, in The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Mark Pett and Gary Rubenstein, Beatrice is known to be perfect.  On the morning of the talent show, Beatrice makes an "almost mistake" and cannot stop thinking about it.  Finally, it is talent show time.  Will Beatrice again perform to perfection?  Will she let her "almost mistake" affect her talent?  Read The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes!  #BookADay22

Monday, June 20, 2016

Book-A-Day 21

It's the first day of summer!  What colors do you notice outside right now?  In Red Sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors by Joyce Sidman, colors are vividly described through the eyes of all the seasons.  "In summer, white clinks in drinks.  Yellow melts everything it touches...smells like butter, tastes like salt."  This books brings to life colors that we may not see without stopping to take a closer look.  So, what colors do you see?  Red Sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors is a Caldecott Honor Book.  #BookADay 21

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Book-A-Day 20

Happy Father's Day!  In honor of the fathers who work hard for their families, this book is for you (and your children).  In the book Hooray for Father's Day! by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Sterling and Monica Mule want to make Father's Day special for their father.  Sterling believes the day will be special by doing things for him.  Monica thinks buying presents will make the day extraordinary.  As the day progresses, the doing and buying escalate.  Will this day turn out to be special for Father Mule?  Hopefully, your Father's Day is special!  #BookADay20

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Book-A-Day 19

Farmer's Market is open.  Vegetables are ripe and flowers are blooming.  In Sophie's Squash by Pat Zietlow Miller and Anne Wilsdorf, although set in fall, Sophie goes to the farmer's market with her parents.  It is there that she finds a squash.  The squash becomes Sophie's friend and she names the squash Bernice.  They play together and have a great time.  That is, until Bernice begins getting spotty and soft.  Sophie asks a farmer for advice in keeping the squash healthy.  He tells her it needs air, dirt, and love.  This story shows the value of friendship, no matter who the friend.  Sophie's Squash is an Ezra Jack Keats Honor Book.  #BookADay19

Friday, June 17, 2016

Book-A-Day 18

When it is warm weather, it is time to fish.  In A Good Day's Fishing by James Prosek, a narrator goes through a tackle box.  The narrator tells us what is needed for a good day's fishing is in the tackle box.  From there, we read and see what is in the box.  We also see what fish are caught with certain bait and hooks.  In the end, we find out the secret to a good day's fishing.  You can read to discover what is really needed for great fishing!  #BookADay18


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Book-A-Day 17

What Are You So Grumpy About? by Tom Lichtenheld is a book filled with excuses for being grumpy.  Excuses, such as getting up on the wrong side of the bed or having your gravy touch your peas on the plate, can cause us to feel bad.  However, sometimes these things can make us laugh.  This book proves that grumpiness can turn around and become silliness.  This is a good read for someone having a bad day.  #BookADay17

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Book-A-Day 16

"It all started on the day I turned eight."  A boy is busy opening birthday gifts.  As he opens one present, a skateboard, his mom takes it for a ride.  The skateboardin' mom is crazy about attempting tricks.  So much so, she does not want to return the skateboard.  As the boy learns more about his mom and her skateboard history, he has a better understanding of her love for skateboarding.  Then, he notices his grandmother...

Check out the book Skateboard Mom by Barbara Odanaka.  #BookADay16

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Book-A-Day 15

With the hustle and bustle of life, many forget to stop and look around them to see the beauty of the world.  In Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pena, CJ and his nana have the opportunity to watch so much as they ride the city bus.  As they walk to the bus, get on, and ride through multiple stops, they are surrounded by beauty.  Thanks to Nana, CJ recognizes more than he would on his own.  Last Stop on Market Street was the winner of the 2016 Newbery Medal, 2016 Caldecott Honor Book, and 2016 Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Book, among many other awards.  This is definitely a must-read!  #BookADay15

Monday, June 13, 2016

Book-A-Day 14

We all have times when we have difficult decisions to make.  Young or old, decisions can determine which route we take in life.  This story is an example of making a tough decision.

Ben's most prized possession, his bike, was taken by Adrian.  When Ben finds his bike and Adrian in a dangerous situation, Ben takes his bike and starts to leave Adrian.  But, Ben has second thoughts.  Will Ben save him or not?  Read Ben Rides On by Matt Davies.  #BookADay14

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Book-A-Day 13

Baseball season is in full swing!  Whether you play or watch baseball, going to a game (especially Major Leagues) offers many experiences.  The book Ballpark by Elisha Cooper discusses the day in the life of a ballpark.  The book follows (in chronological order) the early morning preparations of the field, the players practicing, the game starting, the rain coming and going, and finally the home team winning.  This is a wonderful book to read to a first time baseball game goer.  #BookADay13

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Book-A-Day 12

BEWARE!  It's Doodleday.  On Doodleday, there is no drawing allowed!  At least, that is what Harvey's mother tells him as she leaves for the store.  Harvey has never heard of Doodleday, so he starts drawing.  Only then does he realize his drawing of a fly has come to life and causes chaos.  He continues drawing to stop the fly.  Matters just keep getting worse!  Read Doodleday by Ross Collins to learn more about Doodleday and know when NOT to draw!  :)  An entertaining book for all those who love to draw and have an active imagination.  #BookADay12

Friday, June 10, 2016

Book-A-Day 11

Yesterday's Book-A-Day book was the first Ladybug Girl book.  Ladybug Girl, also known as Lulu, has many other superhero adventures.  However, in Ladybug Girl and the Bumblebee Boy by David Soman and Jacky Davis, Ladybug Girl meets a fellow superhero.  Lulu goes to the park with her mom and finds Sam there.  At first, they can find nothing to do together because they can't agree.  When Lulu comes up with the idea for Sam to become a superhero named Bumblebee Boy, that all changes.  #BookADay11

Enjoy all the Ladybug Girl books!  Visit the website at

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Book-A-Day 10

In Ladybug Girl by David Soman and Jacky Davis, Lulu is also known as the superhero Ladybug Girl.  When her brother says she's too little to play baseball, Lulu finds many other amazing things to do.  As Ladybug Girl, Lulu saves ants, builds a fort, and balances across a tree without falling.  She feels big and mighty!  GO LADYBUG GIRL!  #BookADay10

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Book-A-Day 9

Today's Book-A-Day book is titled Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson.  It is an interactive book where the readers are asked to tap, clap, or shake the book in order to see the tree show its magic.  Each command changes the tree by adding or taking away something from the tree.  The book cycles through the seasons and the tree's life.  Definitely magical!  #BookADay 9

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Book-A-Day 8

If you are taking any short trips in Indiana this summer, this book is perfect for you.  In Blue's Road Trip Through Indiana by Trey Mock, Blue (the Indianapolis Colts mascot) visits places all over the state.  The book is organized in alphabetical order with a rhyming pattern.  This is a fun read, yet provides guide-like information.  How many of these sites will you go to this summer?  #BookADay8

Monday, June 6, 2016

Book-A-Day 7

The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus by Jen Bryant and Melissa Sweet is the true story of Peter Roget.  When Peter was younger, he created word lists.  From there, these lists developed into his Thesaurus.  To this day, the Roget Thesaurus is widely purchased and used by many people.  In reading this book, one is able to discover how Roget found the right word to use from his own word lists.  The winner of The Robert F. Sibert Medal and a Caldecott Honor Book, The Right Word is an interesting read!  #BookADay7

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Book-A-Day 6

Although Dr. Seuss died in 1991, his collection of work is so vast, book projects are still being found.  What Pet Should I Get? was published in 2015, but is believed to have been written in the late 1950s/early 1960s.  The book tells about children who want to buy a pet, yet cannot choose just one.  In typical Dr. Seuss fashion, the children see creatures that were figments of the imagination of Seuss.  Oh yes, the rhyming is creative and fun as you move through the book.  Enjoy this new Dr. Seuss favorite!  #BookADay 6

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Book-A-Day 5

Since we are the Marlin Dragons, I like to read a variety of dragon books to the students.  This book, however, is about a dragon believed to be a chick.  In Argus by Michelle Knudsen, students hatch eggs in class.  However, Sally's egg is different.  Her chick (Argus) is very different than the others once he hatches.  Read to find out how Sally learns to accept her "chick" and love him.  #BookADay5

Friday, June 3, 2016

Book-A-Day 4

The lion, the great white shark, and the timber wolf get their feelings hurt.  Just because they are carnivores, the other animals and people think they are bad animals.  They develop ideas to change their bad reputations.  They even speak with the wise old owl.  Will animals and people change their views?  How can the lion, shark, and wolf stop feeling bad?  Read Carnivores by Aaron Reynolds and Dan Santat.  #BookADay4

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Book-A-Day 3

It's summer!  Time to be outside, have picnics, and enjoy delicious watermelon!  Do you remember your fear of swallowing a watermelon seed and having a watermelon grow in your stomach?  Well, The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli is all about a watermelon-loving crocodile who worries about that same thing.  This Theodor Seuss Geisel Award winner is beautifully illustrated in only red, green, and black.

Enjoy the outdoors, but beware of the seeds!  #BookADay3

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Book-A-Day 2

My Teacher Is a Monster! by Peter Brown is the tale of Bobby and his mean teacher.  Bobby believes his teacher is a monster.  One Saturday, however, their paths cross in the park.  My Teacher Is a Monster! is a funny story about children's misconceptions of teachers (and vice versa).  #BookADay2