Sunday, June 26, 2016

Book-A-Day 27

Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt is a fun and entertaining book.  Meet Scaredy Squirrel.  He is afraid to leave his nut tree.   He's afraid of a few things, like green Martians and killer bees.  He lives the same routine day after day.   Then one day, the expected happens and a bee shows up!  What will Scaredy Squirrel do?  This book is a favorite of the Marlin students!  Scaredy Squirrel even occasionally visits the Marlin library.  Visit the Scaredy Squirrel website at to find out more about Melanie Watt, play games, or join the fan club.  Be sure to read the other Scaredy Squirrel books, too!  #BookADay27