Monday, July 31, 2017

Book of the Week #10 (July 31, 2017)

In Ninja Red Riding Hood by Corey Rosen Schwartz, Wolf is tired of being defeated by the ninja pigs.  He decides to train and learn new skills.  With his talents, he promptly sets his sights on Red Riding Hood.  As Red heads to her grandmother's house, Wolf quickly arrives before her.  Red tells "Grandma" how different she looks.  Wolf has an excuse for everything Red says.  He begins to attack her, but to his surprise, Red is also a ninja.  The attack begins and the two discover they are evenly matched.  Suddenly, a shadow appears.  It is Grandmother!  She tells Wolf to leave Red alone.  He also agrees to give up red meat.  To calm his stress, he decides to learn yoga instead!

Just like our book last week, this story tells about a strong female character.  Both books update the traditional versions of well-known fairy tales.  In addition, the books are written by Corey Rosen Schwartz.  Schwartz has written other updated fairy tales, like The Three Ninja Pigs and Hensel and Gretel Ninja Chicks.

We have only one Book of the Week left this summer.  We hope you have enjoyed all the books highlighted in the past weeks.  Continue reading, what might interest you.  Keep visiting this blog from time to time for information, resources, and reading suggestions connected to Marlin Elementary School literacy.  Go Dragons!