Sunday, July 3, 2016

Book-A-Day 34

"Yankee Doodle" was one of the first patriotic songs I learned.  Although I did not understand it, it was a fun song to sing.  Who would put macaroni in a hat?  Crankee Doodle by Tom Angleberger is the tale of Yankee Doodle and his pony.  His pony wants to go to town.  Mr. Doodle does not and he proceeds to complain about town.  The pony wants to shop, but Doodle complains about shopping.  The pony explains Doodle could buy a feather for his hat.  The conversations between the pony and Yankee Doodle are hilarious as Yankee shows his cranky side.  The book even explains what macaroni means in the song.  Entertainment and education can be enjoyed from this book.  Tom Angleberger is also the author of the Origami Yoda books.  #BookADay34