Thursday, July 14, 2016

Book-A-Day 45

You may find ants to be a nuisance, but it is important how you treat them.  The Ant Bully by John Nickle is about Lucas, who is bullied by Sid.  So, Lucas bullies ants.  The ants are tired of it, so they shrink Lucas to their size.  The ant judge sentences Lucas to work.  He must work with the ants, gather food, and fight off wasps and spiders.  The Queen Ant asks him to do one more job, since Lucas has done so well.  He must get Swell Jell candy.  As he heads to his house to get it, his father sees him, thinking he is an ant.  Will his dad realize it is Lucas?  Or, will he swat the ant, as he usually does?  This is a funny story and was made into a movie.  Read the book and watch the movie.  #BookADay45